And The Beat Goes On …

Zelda has diarrhea. You needed this information, right? Isn’t that why you’re reading this blog? Well, I tell you this because I wanted you to know why I’m more sleep-deprived than usual. She’s got the runs, so we’ve gone out every 2 hours for the past two nights! Poor puppy. Poor Debbie.

On our walks through the neighborhood, I couldn’t help but notice how quickly the house decorations have gone from spooky Halloween pumpkins and inflatable giant spiders to wreaths, poinsettias, and brightly-colored lights. Where did the time go? I’m truly flabbergasted that everything seems to be moving at warped speed. I remain in my Home Hospice Bubble and feel completely ambivalent about the goings-on in the world. Seems irresponsible. So be it …

So … tomorrow is Thanksgiving. It seems as though yesterday was the 4th of July and tomorrow will be … what? Who the hell knows what tomorrow brings?

There will be no turkey dinner here because Minke can’t swallow very well. There will be no mulled wine or spinach artichoke dip appetizers or green bean casserole, or family and friends pretending to get along all in the name of gratitude.

There will be a nurse here. We are spending the holiday this year with a nurse. This person will be making time and a half working on a holiday. Good for them!

And there will be mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie, not because they are holiday fare, but because of their soft and easily-swallowed consistency. And there will be gratitude. Most definitely there will be gratitude.

Because honestly, I didn’t expect Minke to be here for Thanksgiving 2023, but sure enough, my Minke is still with us, fighting the good fight.

And for that, I am grateful.


new normal

